Dengan izin Allah, aku terbuka hati dan ada sedikit masa lapang untuk terus tulis blog ni..aku sedang berusaha menyesuai diri aku dengan suasana baru..suasana kerja yang amat asing bagi aku..i must speak in english all da day in da school~,~ really hard for me at 1st, sebab dah lama tak guna~,~ huhu..
semua tergendala buat masa ni, termasuk usrah, kelas di kg Lokub, dan juga penulisan ilmiah dalam blog ni..tapi aku dah buat prepairation tajuk dan bahan-bahan untuk usrah dan untuk blog gak..aku risau, kesibukan aku menyebabkan rutin aku yang lain2 tergendala~hati tidak tenang selagi aku tak mulakan usrah untuk diz semester(T,T)~ aku dah diberi amanah oleh Allah untuk menyampaikan, so, kalo aku abaikan, it means aku dah "jadi jaat"..huhu~ i dun want to be jaat gurl~ dun want!!
to many things to do, but there is no much time to do so~ kesihatan aku pun kena jaga, so biler letih, i need seems i cant take any "translation task" anymore~ i really dunno noe how to refuse any request..i feel guilty if i do so~but, sincerely..i do want help them, but i really dun have enough time~
lately, sebab terlalu letih, jarang aku boleh bangun malam n dating with afraid dat He will "kecik hati" wit me~ adooii, this part really make me uneasy..i hope He will help me to adapt myself first wit diz kind of new environment~
emm.. at school, im da only one teacher dat teaching da bio, physic n also da chemistry~ really hard because im also da only one who control both form four n form five~ in da same time, there is no any lab assistance and now the lab already become my office..i will be there from 7.30am untill 3.10pm and will be home after 3.30pm..alone in da lab prepairing myself to teach them those subject..i think all of them will get confius~ ofcoz la, can't u imagine it? im there bio teacher in da morning, im also da physic teacher in the afternoon and late evening im going to be their chemist teacher also!!..have same teacher will make them really feel boring i guess??
but, i trying mybest to be da best teacher for all of them~ harap diorang semua boleh terima kehadiran cikgu baru n will cooperate wit me in da class~
Laman Sosial Yang Ramai Lupakan
11 years ago
Kompem xboring punya klo ko ngajor..ko da best presenter;-)